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  Zur Anmeldung:

DataDictionary 1996

Entitaet Feedsupplied to a group 990014

1 KEY 900117 Location number Serial number, unique within the farm, given to a certain location N 5 0   0 2002-05-08
2 KEY 900118 Location type Serial number, unique within the farm, given to a certain location detail level N 2 0   900118 2002-05-08
3 KEY 900119 Process computer number Serial number used to identify the process computer in relation to a certain location N 6 0   0 2002-05-08
4 KEY 900099 Feed component number Numeric code used to identify the feed component N 5 0   0 2002-05-08
5 KEY 900100 Feed lot number Numeric code used to identify the feed lot from which the feed component originates N 2 0   0 2002-05-08
6 KEY 900110 Feeding end date Date of the end of a feeding period N 8 0 ccyymmdd 0 2002-05-08
7 KEY 900111 Feeding end time Time of the end of a feeding period N 6 0 hhmmss 0 2002-05-08
8 OPT 900112 Feeding start date Date of the start of a feeding period N 8 0 ccyymmdd 0 2002-05-08
9 OPT 900113 Feeding start time Time of the start of a feeding period N 6 0 hhmmss 0 2002-05-08
10 OPT 900114 Distribution type Numeric code used to identified the type of feeding distribution N 1 0   900114 2002-05-08
11 OPT 900115 Measure type Numeric code used to identify the type of measurement of feed amount distributed N 1 0   900115 2002-05-08
12 OPT 900116 Total feed amount Quantity of feed component distributed, not standardized N 8 3 kg 0 2002-05-08

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